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Department Introduction

HOMEIntroduction Department Introduction




To support experts in the field of next-generation super-intelligent network convergence

Department of AI Convergence Network


The Department of AI Convergence Network is formed by merging several technologies taught in various departments at the graduate level such as advanced hyperspace (satellite), hyperintelligence (AI), hyperconnectivity (IoT), and security, which are the core of 6G (Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Military Digital Convergence, Space Electronic Information Engineering).

The Department of AI Convergence Network aims to cultivate high-quality talents with innovation, creativity, and extraordinary expertise to lead the next-generation communication network convergence field in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. The department aims for:

– Promoting Innovative Talents: To achieve the objective innovative talent is supported based on strengthening industry-university cooperation platform.

– Encouraging Creative Talents: The aim is achieved by encouraging creative talent based on global-level curriculum.

– Fostering Professional Talents: The goal is obtained through fostering specialized talents and focusing on research significant for the core technologies in next-generation communication.



● Details of Research Field

The Department of AI Convergence Network is an additional core technology element under the theme of high-reliability security and intelligent software (SW.AI) in addition to the six key KPI elements (super performance, super wideband, super space, super precision, super intelligence, super experience) in the 6G field. Based on the derivation and analysis on the educational and research capabilities of participating faculty members, three research teams are formed.

 -Hyperspace/Superconnected field
  •  · 3D spatial mobile communication based on low-orbit satellite and UAV
  •  · Communication between large numbers of devices

-Ultra-intelligence/ultra-precision field

  •  · Next-generation network intelligence and ultra-low latency/ultra-precision technology

-SW.AI/security field

  •  · Next-generation network security vulnerability analysis technology
  •  · Big data analysis and context awareness technology



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