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Department Introduction

HOMEIntroduction Department Introduction
"Welcome to Ajou University Department of Artificial Intelligence!"


I would like to extend to you a very warm welcome! I am Professor Kyung-Ah Sohn and Department Head of Artificial Intelligence at Ajou University.


AI technology is showing remarkable progress based on software technology and has quickly become ubiquitous in today's society. In April, 2020, Ajou University has opened the Department of Artificial Intelligence under the Graduate School to foster top-class AI experts who will lead future society. Especially, as Ajou University Department of Artificial Intelligence has been selected one of the recipients of research subsidies until 2027 under the fourth phase of Brain Korea (BK) 21, we strive to foster global-minded human talents equipped with technology development competence under the banner of 'DREAM AI,' which stands for Domain-aware, Robust, Efficient, Adaptive, and Multimodal AI.


We recruit undergraduates who have majored in various academic fields including software & industrial engineering, electronic engineering and mathematics and provides a systemic curriculum consisting of introductory AI courses, fundamental AI courses, advanced AI courses, and convergence AI courses in order to produce AI experts. Also, we offer specialized education programs based on our close cooperative network with globally renowned universities and research institutes and also with domestic and overseas AI companies, in order to nurture experts who lead the use of AI technology in key application fields such as biomedicine, social safety, digital wellbeing, and AI convergence. The faculty consists of 14 professors who have a wealth of practical work experiences and world-class research competence in their own related industrial fields, and all faculty members are doing their best for education and research.


We are waiting for students who are interested in becoming human-oriented AI experts to help create a better life and society. We need and appreciate your interest and support for Ajou University Department of Artificial Intelligence. Thanks!



Artificial Intelligence Department Head & BK21 Ajou DREAM Artificial Intelligence Division for Educating Innovative Leaders


Professor Kyung-Ah Sohn 


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