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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering (the integration of contemporary technologies) is the discipline that developed dramatically and is designed to create technical manpower, able to predict and prepare for future technology. Its key areas include the 'Dynamics' (exploring the principle of the transmission of both power and energy), 'Design technique' (making new design concept to meet social demand and lead to future changes)', and 'Manufacturing technique(the combination of CAD/CAM and Mechatronics)'.

Graduates who majored in mechanical engineering are working in a variety of industrial fields ranging from heavy industries such as automobile, aviation, robot, machine tool, energy conversion and power plant to electronic and electric machinery, mechatronics as a combined technology of electric engineering and mechanical engineering, heating and cooling and building facilities, corporation-affiliated research institutes, national and public research institutes, and academic institutions. A growing number of graduates have established technically innovative companies based on the technology they invented themselves.

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