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HOMEAbout us Overview

The Department of Military Digital Convergence will make our best to educate the competent person for future national security.


Digital technologies have led the information age based on computers and Internet over the late 20th century and permeated all aspects of industrial fields through IT convergence for last several years. Advanced digital technologies are now the driving force and opening new generation that creates synergy by integrating physical world and cyberspace. The national defense area is no exception to this trend. Battlefields have been rapidly digitized and informatized since a long time ago. Recently, Republic of Korea Ministry of National Defense made a plan that transforms a phased command and control system into an intelligent and realtime command and control system, manned weapon systems into unmanned and(or) robot weapon systems, experience-center training systems into VR based training systems, and factory-type production systems into customized 3D printing production systems for constructing a smart and digitized powerful force that meet the demands of 4th industrial revolution era.

The military operational environment that includes land, sea, and air continues expansion into space and cyberspace. Weapon systems have been transforming into networked smart and modernized systems. Accordingly, the importance of defense IT needed for the transition of net-centric operational environment(NCOE) required for future warfare such as network-centric warfare, cyber warfare, and drone warfare can’t be overstated enough.

Also, the importance of defense IT convergence in weapon systems is greatly increasing. The development of high-skilled manpower for the operation and development of smart weapon systems is urgent because the portion of defense IT convergence of weapon systems for intelligence and electronic warfare, aerospace, and precision guidance is expected to exceeds 50%~70%. Considered the operational environment and the changing character of future warfare, the next-generation NCOE and smart weapons are the areas that need the groundbreaking capability enhancement and constant evolution because of diversity and complexity.

Accordingly, the Department of Military Digital Convergence provides an academic foundation through the diverse education and research that includes theories, technologies, systems, operations, and policies of the next-generation NCOE and smart weapons, educate technical professionals in the defense IT convergence and cyber warfare, and contribute significantly to the construction of a smart and digitized powerful force and the development of cutting-edge defense industry.  


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