
  • Dean's Greeting
  • Introduction
  • Goal of Education
  • History
  • Liberal Arts Curriculum
  • Curriculum for Teaching Profession
    • Introduction
    • Notice
  • International Liberal Arts
  • Directions

Dean's Greeting

Dear all,


Dasan College University is a university college that offers basic skills and liberal arts classes to students. In essential, we provides a “liberal arts” education. When I studied abroad in the United States, I was wondering about the meaning of “Arts” in the College of Arts and Science. After some years, I gained a deeper understanding of general education and the meaning of “Arts”. In ancient Greece, “arete” was recognized as an education for citizens to make informed decisions in the public arena. Seven subjects was taught as “ artes


liberales” including grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. Today, they are known as the “liberal arts” which encompass Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science and the Arts.



Do you know why the term “liberal” is used for “liberal arts”? It originated from ancient Greek, where these seven Arts subjects were taught to “free” citizens and not to slaves. Understanding this historical context may change your perspectives on liberal arts classes. Consider that slavery no longer exist in most societies today. Why is it important to learn and teach liberal arts classes? A report from Harvard University in 2007 stated the purpose of liberal education as follows:



“the aim of a liberal education is to unsettle presumptions, to defamiliarize the familiar, to reveal what is going on beneath and behind appearances, to disorient young people and to help them to find ways to re-orient themselves.”


Considering both the above statement and the history of liberal arts, you may conclude that without a liberal education, you may not live a free life, swayed by presumptons, familiar thoughts and appearances.


Both Spinoza in 17th century and Deleuze in 20th century asked a basically similar question: why do ordinary people desire to enslave themselves? Their questions lead me to realize that many people may not live as free individuals, much like the citizens of ancient Greece. I urge all of you to challenge the familiar, to uncover what lies beneath and behind appearances, and to embark on your own journeys without surrendering by presumptions and prejudices. Dasan University College will strive to support and encourage our students throughout their educational journeys.




Sangkyu Park
Dean of Dasan University College


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