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학과 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[2021.4.28(Wed.)] 대학원 인공지능&AI융합네트워크학과 콜로키엄 개최 안내
작성자 김성민 분류 행사
공지대상 등록일 2021-04-22 마감일 2021-04-28 마감여부 공지 마감 후 조회수 2879
공지부서 정보통신대학교학팀 

< 대학원 인공지능 & AI융합네트워크학과 콜로키엄 개최 안내 >

(Artificial Intelligence & AI Convergence Network Colloquium)

- Title : AR Technology and Metaverse Platform
- When : 2021.4.28.(Wed.) pm 4:30~
- Where : Online
 회의 ID: 912 0413 8974, 암호: 3898

- Speaker:  Chief Technology Officer, Kyusung Cho(MAXST)

- Abstract:
One of the main keywords that are currently penetrating the world is Metaverse. The AR company,

MAXST, has been preparing for AR Technology and Metaverse step by step for 10 years since its

founding in 2010. The most important partof AR technology is how to recognize and track the

physical world. The company has developed Planar Object Tracker, Cloud Object Recognizer, Non

-planar Object Tracker, Ground Plane Tracker, Visual SLAM, and Visual-Inertial Odometry

technologies for this purpose, and is supplying them to over 10,000 companies in 50 countries

by pacaging as software development kit (MAXST AR SDK). Based on MAXST AR SDK, the company

developed MAXWORK, a non-face-to-face AR-based remote collaboration solution. Currently, the

company is concentrating on developing City-scale AR technology and Metaverse platform. Through

this seminar, we would like to introduce the technology that transforms physical space into AR

space and how AR is utilized in real industrial sites. Finally, we would like to talk about the

difference between the future Metarverse platform and the current Metaverse platform, represented

by Roblox.

- Bio:
Kyusung Cho is the Chief Technology Officer of AR Company, MAXST. His research interests are

Augmented Reality, Metaverse, and SLAM. He worked at ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications

Research Institute) as a senior researcher and Samsung Electronics Mobile Division as a senior

engineer. He received Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. from KAIST.


학과 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전 대학원 AI융합네트워크학과 2021학년도 후기 수시 신입생 모집 안내
다음 대학원 AI융합네트워크학과 2021학년도 후기 신입생 모집 안내
  • 목록 인쇄[새창열림]

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