
  • 공지사항


공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
물리학과 세미나 안내 [22.11.30.(수) 17:00 원천관535호]
작성자 박은영 분류 학술
공지대상 등록일 2022-11-24 마감일 2030-12-31 마감여부 공지 마감전 조회수 244
공지부서 기초과학연구소 

물리학과에서 아래와 같이 세미나를 실시합니다.

많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


일시: 20221130일 수요일 17:00

장소: 원천관 535호 및 온라인 Zoom

연사: 이형우 교수(아주대학교 에너지시스템학과)

주제: Point defects in oxide electronic materials

주관: 기초과학연구소(자율운영 중점연구소지원사업)


ZOOM 링크 및 접속 정보:


회의 ID : 820 8103 1390

암호 : 970122


Point Defects in Oxide Electronic Materials

Exploiting point defects, such as oxygen vacancies, has emerged as a versatile tool to tune the electronic and optoelectronic properties of complex oxide heterostructures. For the precise manipulation of the oxygen vacancy defects, the capability of directly probing the defect distribution in nanoscale is essential, but still lacking. In this talk, I will introduce the recent progress on the study of the oxygen vacancies in transition metal oxides and their heterostructures. First, the stochastic charge trapping of oxygen vacancies in ultrathin oxide thin films will be demonstrated. The strong charge trapping behavior is analyzed by in-depth spectral analyses. Second, it will be shown that the spectral analysis method can probe the ionization state distribution of oxygen vacancies. Lastly, I will introduce the deep learning-based spectral analysis for probing the spatial distribution of oxygen vacancies in oxide heterostructures. The Monte-Carlo simulation and the specifically-designed deep learning model allow us to evaluate the defect distribution from current noise signals. These results introduce a powerful strategy to quantitatively probe the spatial distribution of point defects in oxide heterostructures with nm-scale precision.

공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
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  • 공지사항
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