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학과 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[2023.12.08(Fri.)]AI Convergence Network & Artificial Intelligence Colloquium
작성자 김성민 분류 행사
공지대상 등록일 2023-12-05 마감일 2023-12-08 마감여부 공지 마감 후 조회수 380
공지부서 소프트웨어융합대학교학팀 
< AI Convergence Network & Artificial Intelligence Colloquium >
▶ When : 2023년 12월 8일(금), 오후 3시
▶ Where : 팔달관 407호
▶ Speaker : Prof. Steve Ko(Simon Fraser University, Canada)
▶ Title : Offloading Visual SLAM Tasks to a GPU
▶ Abstract : Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) has become an important
class of algorithms used in many applications such as robot navigation and augmented reality. It
provides a mechanism for a mobile agent to process visual input, build a map of
the surroundings, and understand where the agent is and how the agent is moving. However,
visual SLAM algorithms are known to be resource-intensive and require powerful machines to
run, making it difficult to run on an everyday device.
To improve this status quo, we are working on offloading expensive SLAM tasks to a GPU. We
are comprehensively examining various components within SLAM and asking the question of
how to divide the work between the CPU and the GPU in the most efficient way. This talk will
describe our effort.
▶ Bio : Steve Ko is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser
University. His current research interest is improving the reliability and security of mobile
systems by developing techniques at the intersection of mobile systems and software
engineering. He received a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Yonsei University, an MS in
Computer Science and Engineering from Seoul National University, and a PhD in Computer
Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He worked as a postdoc in the
Department of Computer Science at Princeton University. Until 2020, He was with the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo, The State
University of New York as an Associate Professor.
▶ Host : 소프트웨어학과 고영배 교수(youngko@ajou.ac.kr)
학과 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전 [KT AIVLE School] KT AIVLE School (에이블스쿨) 5기 모집(~12/18(월))
다음 [2023.12.5(화)] Artificial Intelligence & AI Convergence Network Colloquium 개최 안내
  • 목록 인쇄[새창열림]

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