

HOMELaboratory Laboratory
디지털백신 연구실

DV & IIS Lab (Digital Vaccine & Internet Immune System Lab)             

Hong, Manpyo
Location: Industry-University Cooperation Building #519, #519 / Phone: +81 31-219-1809,1810
Homepage: -

Contents : The Digital Vaccine & Internet Immunce System Lab(DV&IIS Lab) focuses on malicious code(e.g.virus, worm, and backdoor) detection / prevention, anonymity-based privacy protection, DoS/DDoS, and authentication / access control. We handle these issues not only in the internet environment but also in the community computing environment.


분산이동컴퓨팅 연구실

Distributed & Mobile Computing Lab

Kim, Jaihoon
Location: Industry-University Cooperation BUilding #534 / Laboratory Phone: +82-31-219-1896
Homepage: https://dmcajou.wordpress.com/

The Distributed & Mobile Computing Lab. is pursuing high quality research in the general areas of Distributed Systems and Mobile Computing. The main topics of Research are Ubiquitous Computing, Ubiquitous Monitoring Systems, Ubiquitous Transportation, embedded Systems for home Networking, and Mobile Computing in Ad hoc & Sensor Networks. The Distributed & Mobile Computing Lab. is participating in many projects which are sponsored by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea Research Foundation, and the Ministry of Land Transport and Maritime Affairs.


Internet Security Lab

Yeh, Hongjin
Location: Industry-University Cooperation Building #520, #521 / Laboratory Phone: +82-31-219-1808
Homepage: -
Since 1997, The Internet Security Laboratory has conducted research about network security and development of access control models under Professor Hong-jin Yeh at Ajou University.
We have enhanced study of access control modeling and information system development, which will be proper in ubiquitous environments from now on, together with detection and prevention of invasion through networks. Now we are researching security among sensor networks. We have produced many papers from research issues. We are performing module development and application possible security methods. The main issue of this laboratory is general understanding about sensor networks and each level of communication and deducing security problems in communication and service; after all, we are trying to find solutions and techniques to deal with these problems.


Internet & Security Lab

Kim, Ki-hyung
Location: Industry-University Cooperation Building #520, #521 / Laboratory Phone: +82-31-219-2433
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/view/internetlabajou/home
인터넷&보안(Internet&Security) 연구실은 아주대학교 정보통신대학 컴퓨터공학과 소속으로 김기형 교수님의 지도를 받아 연구를 수행합니다. 과거 우리 연구실에서는 IP기반의 유비쿼터스 네트워크 기술을 비롯하여, 임베디드 시스템, M2M 네트워크에 관련된 연구를 진행해 왔으며 다양한 연구기관 및 관련 기업들과 공동연구를 진행해 왔습니다. 현재는 IoT(Internet of Things), 인터넷보안, 블록체인, 딥러닝 분야를 깊이 있게 연구하고 있습니다. 최근 연구실에서 수행중인 연구의 주요 내용은 LPWA 기반의 IoT 네트워크 보안, 블록체인을 활용한 IoT 데이터 제어, 네트워크 보안 및 신뢰성 향상을 위한 딥러닝, IoT 융합 시스템ㆍ서비스ㆍ앱ㆍ보안 등이 있습니다. 이러한 분야의 연구를 통하여 인터넷&보안(Internet&Security)분야를 선도함과 동시에 미래의 ICT를 이끌 인재를 양성하고 있습니다.
주요 연구분야
인터넷 보안 (Internet Security)
블록체인 (Block Chain)
사물 인터넷 (Internet of Things)
딥러닝 (Deep Learning)



ISAA Lab(Information Security Application & Assurance Lab)

Kwak, Jin
Location: Industry-University Cooperation Building #521, #540
Homepage: http://www.isaa.re.kr
The Information Security Application & Assurance Lab began research based on the application and evaluation certification to which information protection is applied under Professor Jin Kwak's guidance. Currently, ISAA Lab. is conducting basic and in-depth research such as collecting/analyzing information and deriving theoretical/technical countermeasures according to issues and trends across all areas related to information protection.
- 주요 연구분야 : Cryptographic Protocol, Cloud Service Security, IoT Security, SOAR, Applied Security etc. 


정보통신 시큐리티 연구실

ICS Lab(Information Communication & Security Lab)

Shon, Taeshik
Location: Industry-University Cooperation Building #429, #430
Homepage: http://ics.ajou.ac.kr

ICS(Information Communication Security) Lab is concentrating on the research and development of Digital Forensics, In-Vehicle Network Security, ICS(Industrial Control System) Security as well as a variety of convergence security. Specifically, we have many practical experiences with AI IoT Device Forensics, Linux/Unix File System Forensics, Industrial Security Solutions like In-Vehicle Network Whitelist and PowerGrid Anomaly Behavioral Detection based on Deep Learning Models. Currently, we have many research projects regarding Digital Forensics, Autonomous Vehicle, SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Security, Energy Management System as well as other hot topics in Information Communication Technology domains. We are collaborating with Supreme Prosecutor's Office, National Security Research Institute, ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), KISA(Korea Internet & Security Agency), KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation), KPX(Korea Power Exchange), Prosecution Service, NAK(National Archives of Korea), Korea Sanhak Foundation, NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea), Hyundai Motors Company etc. We always welcome to visit us and hope to see you as one of the ICS Lab members.


정보통신 시큐리티 연구실

Applied Security Lab

Kim, Kangseok
Location: Industry-University Cooperation Building #514 / Laboratory Phone: +82-31-219-2496
Homepage: -
With the recent evolution of software, hardware, and networks, the expansion of social network services, and the proliferation of users, we are now in a period of creating, enhancing, and expanding information sharing and social interactions over Internet. However, the use of vast information services, systems and networks over the Internet can expose many cyber threats, and the importance of cybersecurity is increasing. Therefore, the objective of the Applied Security Lab is to study intelligent real-time cyber threat detection analysis methods by applying machine learning and deep learning technology to effectively detect cyber security threats by increasing the detection rate and accuracy of new attack vectors.


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